Tales From IT: I Don’t Want To Win If They Don’t Lose

IT projects past a certain size get quite complex.  They have a lot of moving parts and often those parts have to be aligned correctly and at the right time to make everything work.  In turn, that means you need the various people to pull together to make sure the project as a whole delivers.  Sometimes the team doesn’t succeed but normally everyone is pulling in the same direction.  There is no “I” in team!  Etc Etc

There are exceptions.  In one place I worked the IT departments were actively trying to push each other under a bus.  Think ‘Game Of Thrones’ with RAID arrays.

Ethernet 1
Day 1 : How to Make a Garotte out of Ethernet Cable

It made delivering the project…. interesting. Continue reading “Tales From IT: I Don’t Want To Win If They Don’t Lose”

What does your computer hear when it listens without you knowing?

HALA lot of people are worried about computers listening in to what you’re doing.  Some of the people’s points are valid, while others come across as totally paranoid.  But what does your computer hear in the background?

I left my copy of VoiceAttack going after I finished playing Elite without realising it.  I didn’t have my mic on but it was live on my desk.  VoiceAttack uses the speech recognition system built into Windows and this is what my PC thought I was saying… Continue reading “What does your computer hear when it listens without you knowing?”

PowerShell : Get Folder Size on Disk, One-Line Command

I mentioned in the last part that you should be able to get the sizes of sub-folders within a folder with Measure-Object and Group-Object.  So I had a bit of a tinker as an intellectual exercise and I worked up a one-liner that works.  Ish.  As I mentioned previously, this won’t automatically add the size of each sub-folder to the parent folder (so in the results you’d get C:\Source as 10 KB and C:\Source\Sub as 100 MB, for example).

Still, it was pretty interesting to hack it together.  The command and a brief explanation follows.

Continue reading “PowerShell : Get Folder Size on Disk, One-Line Command”