How to Play X-Wing (If you’re not on my team)

We had a great LAN party last weekend. though in the end it was more of a LANBG (Local Area Network and Board Game) party.  One of the games we played was the FFG’s X-Wing miniatures game.  It looks fantastic and I’d got a few pieces on E-Bay to try out.

Previously I’d played a couple of partial games with my daughter (which she won;  clearly shields are OP) but everyone was up for big 6-7 player game to really kick the tyres on it.

The game was great and I picked up some great tips about how you definitely should play (as long as you’re playing against me that is). Continue reading “How to Play X-Wing (If you’re not on my team)”

More Family Board Games

Sometimes I’m pulled away (struggling / screaming / whimpering) from my PC to interact with my family in the real work.  Of course, ‘real’ is relative and it’s cool to play board games when the mood takes us.  I’ve got a lot of games but most aren’t really suitable for family play either because;

A) The game takes 3 hours to even set up the board.  By the point one or more family members have lost the will to live and have gone back to something more interesting like counting floating dog hairs or squabbling with siblings.
B) It involves the kind of cut-throat competitiveness that would make Machiavelli look like the Dalai Lama.

I wrote about some cool ones in another post.  Here are some more; Continue reading “More Family Board Games”

XenoShyft Onslaught Review

Xenoshyft OnslaughtI played my first game of XenoShyft Onslaught a few weeks ago.  The full release of the game was May 1st but I got a copy a bit early as I backed it on Kickstarter.  It’s a co-op, card-building base-defense game;  heroic / mercenary corporate troopers hold off waves
of ravening mutated aliens in desperate, heroic battle.

Or they all get mangled, killed and eaten.  And not necessarily in that order, either.

If you’ve read a few of the other bits of writing on here, you can guess how my friends and I did….

Continue reading “XenoShyft Onslaught Review”