Brian Cox: Live

We went to see Brian Cox live at Wembley Arena recently and had a great time.  If you’re not familiar, he’s a physicist who appears on various TV and Radio shows about science.  He’s proven very popular because he makes the science interesting and fun without dumbing it down or over-simplifying it.

The Infinite Monkey Cage is a brilliant podcast to listen to if a humourous science panel show sounds like your thing. Continue reading “Brian Cox: Live”

Elite Dangerous Photos

highresscreenshot_2017-01-19_18-21-52Still playing a lot of Elite Dangerous, though I’ve improved a bit as a pilot since my initial forays….

It’s an amazing game to just fly around in.  The flight model is top-notch and the galaxy is realistically modelled.  The next best thing to being there (minus the asphyxiation and explosive decompression too!).  I finally took a trip to the alien ruins that have been discovered and exploring them using the Vive was stunning; a very cool, creepy atmosphere that the pics don’t do justice to.  Worth a trip!

Here’s a few screenshots. Continue reading “Elite Dangerous Photos”

Journey to the Centre of the Galaxy : Elite Dangerous

Elite:Dangerous is a great game.  It’s pretty much “Here’s the entire galaxy.  Here’s a spaceship.  Off you go!” so you can do whatever you want.

I’d given bounty-hunting, trading and mining a go so I was keen to try exploration.  And what better place to go than the super-massive black hole at the centre of our galaxy, Sagittarius A*?  Widescreen pics below!

Continue reading “Journey to the Centre of the Galaxy : Elite Dangerous”