More Family Board Games

Sometimes I’m pulled away (struggling / screaming / whimpering) from my PC to interact with my family in the real work.  Of course, ‘real’ is relative and it’s cool to play board games when the mood takes us.  I’ve got a lot of games but most aren’t really suitable for family play either because;

A) The game takes 3 hours to even set up the board.  By the point one or more family members have lost the will to live and have gone back to something more interesting like counting floating dog hairs or squabbling with siblings.
B) It involves the kind of cut-throat competitiveness that would make Machiavelli look like the Dalai Lama.

I wrote about some cool ones in another post.  Here are some more; Continue reading “More Family Board Games”

LAN Yarns : How not to bluff, or “I’m The Phantom!”

We play a lot of Starcraft 2 at LAN parties especially the free mods in the arcade.  There are some great games on here, many of which with totally different gameplay to vanilla Starcraft 2.  One of our favourites is Phantom, a game less about Starcraft 2 and more about deception, bluffing and intricate plots to back-stab your friends.

Of course you can always be too clever for your own good…. Continue reading “LAN Yarns : How not to bluff, or “I’m The Phantom!””

Computer Gaming Glossary

My kids are getting into computer gaming and they often ask me what certain gaming-related words mean.  I never really think about how byzantine some of the words are until someone asks so I thought I’d note them down as best I kind.  I’ve tried to keep the list as generic as possible (if I included all the MMO slang it’d probably be several dozen more pages).

So here’s the list, and my best attempt to make sense of them;

Continue reading “Computer Gaming Glossary”